dimarts, 15 d’abril del 2014

Throughout this week the debate on what to do on the beach of the Ahuir increased

Throughout this week the debate on what to do on the beach of the Ahuir increased sharply on Monday 14 April the social confrontation culminated in a rally rejecting offspring development proposals and policy municipality. We are all local media and Raise the Provinces and in the general edition. We are in Gente, Onda naranja COPE, Radio Gandia SER

dijous, 10 d’abril del 2014

The Auhir beach and the European Parliament.

The last activity we will perform is monitoring the proposals received from the moment the campaign for the European elections began.

Jordi Sebastià, COMPROMIS candidate and leader in the PRIMAVERA EUROPEA candidacy, has been the first one to talk. He has claimed the first thing he will do in the European Parliament will be asking for some kind of protection for Ahuir Beach

dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2014

Final report

Third year secondary students of Escolàpies school in Gandia are going to address the issue of the l'Ahuir beach that is currently a very polemical subject in Gandia. An example of the importance of this issue is the amount of media interest being shown, with articles and reports appearing on an almost daily basis. Another example of the social importance is that the issue was a subject of satirical critiques in the recent Fallas.

Why this subject? We are looking into this issue because not only is it currently very topical in our region, it has also been considered important by politicians from higher up the political scale; a good example being the recent declarations by the former minister Cristina Narbona, these being only the latest in the important debate that is taking place. The beach is also very important for tourism in Gandia, something that has been highlighted by the majority of the people interviewed for our project. One of the political parties in the town hall of Gandia COMPROMIS, has presented a parliamentary initiative in the Spanish parliament that will propose the purchase of the beach by the central government

The l'Ahuir beach is one of the few virgin beaches left on the Valencian Mediterranean coast. This affirmation is supported by all the interviewees, the images we have in the blog and anyone who visits the beach. Recently, the municipal government in Gandia has started a debate about the possible development of the beach, as was explained to us by the coordinator of the municipal government, Sr.Victor Soler.

This has opened the debate about whether, and under which conditions, this development should take place. We have made this study in order to understand things more clearly and to see how European legislation might affect the decisions taken. For this we have interviewed university professors such as Jesús Vilaplana or Joan Cambrils.

Other important considerations were the facts and legal situation relating to the urban development of the beach. To obtain this information we asked the majority of the interviewees and in addition we spoke with the respected expert in urban planning, Sr. Rafael Durà. In our investigation we have not overlooked the proposals put forward in the competition of ideas, but in addition to these we have had the assistance of the well-known engineer Sr. Bernardino Montserrat


The social debate regarding the future of the l'Ahuir beach is one of the most recurring themes in the local and regional press lately. Since the local government raised the possibility of developing the area articles on the subject have appeared on an almost daily basis, the latest being that the PSPV-PSOE (Valencian socialist party) is currently holding a conference in Gandia about the influence of the economic crisis on environmental policy.  Debates have been held at the university and the Centre for local study and investigation (CEIC) Alfons el Vell that has published a report on the matter. The Economic Circle of la Safor is also to undertake activities related to the proposals. 

Recent news related to the proposals of the opposition parties
There follows a list of some of the news stories that have appeared about the l'Ahuir beach:


 Gente de la Safor
·      14/03/2013
·      28/01/2014
·      28/01/2014
·      29/01/2014
·      29/01/2014
·      03/02/2014
·      03/02/2014

 The Green Party of Gandia:
·      12/04/2012
·      16/01/2012
·      13/02/2013
·      7/10/2013
·      16/10/2013
·      26/01/2014

Cadena Ser:
·      22/01/2014
·      2/02/2014

Las Provincias:
·      05/10/2013
·      10/01/2014
·      22/01/2014

El periodic:
·      23/01/2014

El País:
·      22/01/2014

El levante emv:
·      19/02/2014

·      30/01/2014

Noticias la información:
·      11/11/2013

·      11/11/2013

Arturo Torró:
·      News l'ahuir beach

El boletín:
·      24/01/2014

·      08/02/2014


These are only some of the news stories that have appeared about l'Ahuir beach. There are many more because, as we have mentioned, the debate on the future of the beach is open and public feeling about the issue is strong.

The Levante newspaper and the magazine "Gente" carry stories about our investigation

The Levante newspaper and the magazine "Gente" carry stories about our investigation

The newspaper Levante-EMV, in its local edition today, April 2nd, has published an article explaining about our investigation, which forms part of the project "Scola Europa 2014".

The digital magazine and website, Gente de la Safor has also mentioned our investigation,
which reflects the amount of interest in the subject we have chosen for our project.

 These facts come to mean the interest of the city and the county that has the theme we have chosen for the work.
Also the newspaper Las Provincias has become prayers of our research

We conducted an information leaflet to spread the coneixemnt Beach Ahuir, the campaign will be Easter in Playa de Gandia during the month of May in the city of Gandia

This is shown in the information leaflet that will be distributed.

There is in diffusion in social networks with a 
Facebook, Escolàpies Europa Gandia, i twitter @escolapiesEU
In parallel we have organized an online poll in this blog and also be made ​​directly through Saturday in May in the town of Gandia on the street interviews
Indicators for twitter, facebook and monitoring visits this page seems to follow the initiative is so important. Which can support the media presence at Levante newspaper Las Provincias magazine Gente 

dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2014

Interview with Sr.Vilaplana

Interview with Sr.Vilaplana
Jesús Vilaplana is a biologist, professor at the University Polytechnic of Valencia and also a member of the environmental group "Gemmas" with who we discussed the highly polemical issue of the l'Ahuir beach.

During the interview he affirmed that it would not be profitable to develop the area because of the costs of installing infrastructures (sewerage, mains water supply, refuse collection...) would outweigh the benefits, principally because any urbanisation would have to be low-density; this being very expensive and, according to Sr. Vilaplana, bound to fail. 

He also commented on the necessity to restore natural zones that have been lost due to the poor maintenance of the current owners, whose only interest when buying the area was to profit from it. 

Professor VilaPlana is inclined towards action that restores the ecology of the space and links it to the natural space of the marsh.

Interview with Víctor Soler

On the 26th of March we had the opportunity to interview a representative of the town council, Sr. Victor Soler; spokesperson for the government, deputy mayor and responsible for the areas of administration, modernisation and coordination of the government and youth in the town council, as well as being General Secretary of the Popular Party in Gandia and a member of the regional executive of the Popular Party of the Valencian Community.

He informed us that the principal objective of the proposal for l'Ahuir beach put forward by the municipal government is not to remodel or develop it, but rather to start a debate in which all of the citizens of Gandia can participate in deciding what sort of beach to have and, in doing so, to plan the future of one of the city's most important spaces. He said this is being done now to give the l’Ahuir a better future, to save a natural resource and to convert the beach into an economic attraction that contributes to the local economy. For these reasons, in the near future, people will have the chance to give their opinion.

According to Sr. Soler, the beach will improve tourism in Gandia if it makes it possible to offer tourists something more than just sun and sand. As well as the new infrastructure and services, one of the advantages will be that a different profile of tourist will visit Gandia.

He said that the options to be considered may include one of the designs put forward in the project competition, or one which proposes to leave the beach as it is, however all of these proposals form part of the debate, and it will be the citizens of Gandia who decide. The biggest problem in his view, is that once something has been built it would be very difficult to demolish and if the mistake is made of planning the beach badly it would be very hard to restore it, so it is for these reasons that the debate is very important and that not only the government of Gandia takes the final decision.

In this debate he said, the issue of whether to build is not closed; the members of the municipal government are in favour of choosing the best proposal - whether this be to allow building or to make a natural park. However, they do want to make changes, because it is a natural resource that tourists and people on the whole know little about.

Sr. Soler seems to be in agreement with the conservation proposals put forward by the ecologists and the university; the idea that the beach be changed without urban development being a valid one, but he believes it would be a mistake to do nothing at all, leaving this virgin beach in its current, neglected condition.

He also confirmed that there are both Spanish and European regulations protecting the sand dunes and the flora and fauna which mean building is impossible in some areas.

Victor Soler, an ex-student of Escolàpies replied to all our questions and left us with these words, describing the beach as "an undiscovered treasure".

Here is the video of the interview: