dimarts, 8 d’abril del 2014

Interview with Bernardino Montserrat

On the 14th of March last, we had the pleasure of interviewing Sr.Bernardino Montserrat, who is an engineer and specialist in projects of urban development.
During the course of the interview Sr. Montserrat made it clear that for various reasons he is in favour of some development at the l'Ahuir beach. The first of these is that the intervention, (complying with all the different planning and environmental protection laws) would be very positive for the economy of Gandia, complementing the present type of tourism offered by the city while also helping to protect the natural environment of the beach. This affirmation was quite difficult to understand, so Sr. Montserrat went on to explain this point more carefully.

He considers that at the moment the land of l'Ahuir is quite degraded, with illegal building, ruins and abandoned agricultural plantations, etc. He considers that an urban development, including the building of a few luxury hotels on part of the land would enable the rest of the area’s natural environment to be restored. This is because the coefficient for construction is so low that these buildings would only occupy a small area, meaning that the remaining 80% of the l`Ahuir could regenerate and be joined to the natural parkland of the marsh.

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